Chatbot Pemilihan Makanan dan Minuman Berdasarkan Kalori menggunakan Natural Language Processing


  • Nur cholis Anggoro Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta Author
  • Mutaqin Akbar Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta Author


Artificial neural network, Bag of words, Healthy food, Natural language processing, TF-IDF


Chatbot is a computer program based on Artificial Intelligence (AI), or often called virtual robots that can simulate conversations like humans. This technology is also known as a digital assistant that can understand and process user requests, provide interactions, and provide relevant answers. Chatbot has many benefits, one of which can help determine food selection. In order for the chatbot to be able to understand the meaning of an input, it is necessary to have a training model as a reference. Models such as the Bag of words and the term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) are examples of models that are commonly used. This research aims to implementing natural language processing on chatbots, determine the differences in the Bag of Words model and TF-IDF in terms of accuracy, time needed to train the model, and loss, and determine the calculation of calories using the basal metabolic rate method. In this research, a comparison will be made between the Bag of words and TF-IDF models for chatbots that will recommend food. Comparisons are made by looking at the model's performance when differentiating and how the model understands the meaning of a sentence. The results showed that the TF-IDF model has better performance than Bag of word with training loss of 0.00966 in 200 epochs and an average testing accuracy of 96.6%.


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How to Cite

Chatbot Pemilihan Makanan dan Minuman Berdasarkan Kalori menggunakan Natural Language Processing. (2023). Informatics and Artificial Intelligence Journal, 1(1), 29-38.