A Recommendations for Gym Equipment for Beginners Using the Forward Chaining Method: A Case Study of Danke Gym


  • Paulina Aquilicia Febriyanti Duha Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta Author
  • Arita Witanti Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta Author


Sistem Pakar, Forward Chaining, Gym


Gym is a place that provides various facilities for sports and physical activities with the aim of improving health, fitness, and quality of life. In the gym, there are various tools and facilities used for physical exercises, such as weightlifting equipment, cardio machines, and areas for free exercises. The purpose of this research is to assist beginners in choosing gym equipment according to their goals. For this study, various data on the types of available gym machines and information about common goals desired by beginners are collected. This research employs the forward chaining method, where beginners will select information about their fitness goals, and the system will combine this information with the established knowledge base. The system will analyze the provided information and search for suitable solutions based on the chosen goals. During the implementation phase, a web-based system will be designed using a MySQL database. This system will be developed using the PHP programming language and will utilize the CodeIgniter and Bootstrap frameworks


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How to Cite

A Recommendations for Gym Equipment for Beginners Using the Forward Chaining Method: A Case Study of Danke Gym. (2023). Informatics and Artificial Intelligence Journal, 1(1), 39-48. https://jurnal.forai.or.id/index.php/forai/article/view/1