Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Infeksi Virus Pada Kucing Menggunakan Metode Certainty Factor



Certainty Factor, Cat Diseases, Expert System, Virus


Cats are among the most familiar domestic animals. However, like all animals, cats are susceptible to various diseases, especially viral infections. The lack of information and knowledge among cat owners regarding viral infections in cats and proper care protocols exacerbates the seriousness of these infections, leading to potential transmission among other cats. This study aimed to develop a prototype of an expert system based on a website utilizing the Certainty Factor method. The system was designed to diagnose viral infections in cats based on their exhibited symptoms, emulating the decision-making process of a knowledgeable expert or veterinarian. By doing so, it enables cat owners to detect infections and administer appropriate initial care promptly. The data within the expert system was processed using certainty factor rules to address uncertainty issues and assign proper weights to symptoms and disease factors. The research yielded an impressive accuracy rate of 95% from 20 testing instances. The system output provides the likelihood percentage of specific diseases afflicting the cat and offers corresponding therapeutic recommendations. The high accuracy rate of the testing validates the capability of this expert system in effectively identifying viral infections in cats.

Author Biography

  • A. Sidiq Purnomo, Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta



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How to Cite

Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Infeksi Virus Pada Kucing Menggunakan Metode Certainty Factor. (2024). Informatics and Artificial Intelligence Journal, 1(2), 49-58.