Rekomendasi Pemilihan Rute Wisata Menggunakan Metode Bellman-Ford (Studi Kasus : Daerah Wisata Kabupaten Luwu Timur)
Open Street Maps, Bellman Ford, Decision Support Systems, GISAbstract
Tourism development in East Luwu Regency has the potential to increase tourist visits, but it also has the problem of a lack of information about destinations. This problem will certainly hinder the benefits of developing East Luwu tourism. Therefore, creating a website-based information system for recommendations for selecting tourist routes using the Bellman-Ford method is one way to overcome the problems that occur. Furthermore, for implementation, Open Street Map and the CodeIgniter Framework were used. From the results of the validation carried out 32 times, it can be obtained that based on distance, 43% using route 1 is farther than using route 2. Meanwhile, if we look at the travel time, 57% of routes on route 1 are faster than route 2. Based on the test results It was found that apart from travel distance, travel time also influences recommendations for selecting tourist routes.
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